Environmental Change with Dr. Seuss

Lesson Author

Angie Ebben

Grades: 5-6

Lesson Summary

Using Dr. Seuss�s The Lorax as a starting and reference point, we will examine world environmental change. Students will use Google Earth to fly to every continent and observe the impact of humans on the environment. Students will also become familiar with various organizations working to preserve our environment.

Literature Connection

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss�s The Lorax, published in 1971, is a popular story with a deep message. The story centers on a plea for the preservation of the environment on behalf of the Lorax, the story�s main character. In opposition to deforestation by the Once-ler and comrades, the Lorax speaks for the trees and advocates environmental preservation and awareness of the human impact on the environment.

National Geography Standard(s)

  • Analyze the environmental impact of humans changing the environment

Concepts and Skills

human-environmental interaction


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Utilize Google Earth to visit each continent and identify the negative impact people have had on the environment.

  2. Identify and explain how global organizations are working to preserve the environment.

  3. Identify destructive actions toward the earth that have occurred in the past and brainstorm ways we can work toward taking care of our planet in the future.

Google Skills Needed

  • Fly to an address

  • Navigate in street view

  • Zoom in and out

  • Work with global awareness layers

Step-by-Step Teaching Procedures (download PDF)

Lesson Links

Complete lesson plan

Graphic Organizers

Student Assignment