Prairie Restoration at
St. John�s
Presentation at the Master Gardener
Conference - June 2004
History of Prairie:
- mix of grasses and
forbs, few trees

- high diversity in a
native prairie (300+ species)
- common grasses:
Big blue stem, Little blue stem, Indian grass, Side oats grama
- once covered
roughly a third of Minnesota; > 18 million acres
- < 1% of
original prairie remains, often only because conditions were unsuitable for
agriculture (too hilly, too wet, railroad right-of-way, cemeteries)
- plants adapted to
sunny, hot, dry conditions (thick cuticle, stomatal pores underside of leaves,
hairs, deep roots)
- adapted to periodic
fire (lightening, accidental or intentional) � buds below soil surface
- fire kills trees
(except thicker-barked species like Bur oak), recycles nutrients, removes duff
layer allows quicker penetration of water, soil heats more quickly
- grazing important
to the ecology of the prairie; pastured areas may have high diversity
Prairie Restoration: General Techniques:
- site selection
(avoid flammable structures, few weeds), analysis (pH, exposure, soil,
drainage), develop plan
- remove pre-existing
vegetation (mow followed by herbicide, e.g., RoundUp�)
- till/disk
- plant � seed or
plugs; typical ratio grass: forb (40:60); local sources (ecotypes)
- mow first year
- weed (spot
spray/hand pull)
- periodic prescribed
burns to manage
- fall burns favor
forbs, spring burns favor grasses
Overview of St.
John�s Project:
- cropped until about
1975; in 1940�s & 1950�s used for experiments on fertilizers by science
- original land
survey records don�t show any prairie on campus in 1850�s, but probably within
a few miles; Watab meadows lowland grasses
- initiated by Fr.
Paul Schweitz, O.S.B.
- 56 acre restoration
- site preparation
begun in 1990, including grading
- hilly area for dry
site species; wet areas
- planted 1991: 4,800
plugs, seeds of 90 species of forbs and grasses
- two different seed
mixes: (a) drier soils included big bluestem, little bluestem, side oats grama,
Canada wild rye, Kalm�s brome, Indian grass, giant hyssop, butterfly milkweed,
black-eyed Susan, leadplant, prairie clover; (b) moister sites included big blue,
switch grass, bottle gentian, tall blazing star, boneset, blue vervain
- Prairie
Restorations, Inc (Princeton, MN)
- additional
plantings in 1992
- currently over 250
species (St.
John's Arboretum List;
Saupe Web site)
- prescribed burns
conducted annually; areas rotated, spring and fall burns
- project continues
with partnership with MN DOT to continue prairie into highway right-of-way
- Kyhl, JF, MH Meyer,
Krischik (1997) Establishing and Maintaining a
Prairie Garden.
Minnesota Extension Service, Univ. of Minnesota.
- Kilde, Rebecca
(2000) Going Native: A prairie restoration Handbook for
Minnesota Landowners.
MN DNR. 63 pp. print or
available on-line
- McGreevy, S (1999)
A Century of Prairie. unpublished summer project, St. John�s
St. John�s Arboretum website
- Sedivec & WT
Barker. 1998. Selected
North Dakota
and Minnesota Range Plants.
North Dakota State University
of Agriculture and Applied Science & USDA. 270 pages. Jamestown,
on line). Map image was borrowed from this source.
Grondahl, Chris, and Andrea Evelsizer. 2002.
Prairie wildflowers and grasses of North Dakota. North Dakota Game and
Fish Department, Bismarck, ND. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife
Research Center
Page. (Version 30DEC2002).
Prairie Wildlife Research Center
- assorted wildflower
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