Plant Physiology (Biology 327)
- Dr. Stephen G. Saupe; College of St. Benedict/ St.
University; Biology Department; Collegeville, MN 56321; (320) 363 - 2782;
(320) 363 - 3202, fax;
ssaupe@csbsju.edu |
Guide - Exam 4- S'09
The exam will be a mixture of objective (e.g., multiple choice,
matching, definitions, fill-in-blank) and subjective (non-objective) questions.
The subjective questions could include completing/analyzing diagrams or
experiments, short answers (require a few sentences) and essays (longer). I
recommend that you use a pencil. The exam is designed to take about 2 hours.
In general, the exam could include: (1) anything covered in class; (2) lecture
notes on-line pertaining to material covered in class; (3) study sheets,
handouts or other materials used/assigned in class; and (4) questions from
videos or AV materials seen in lecture. There are
quiz questions posted online
essay questions
that you might find helpful to review.
The final exam is scheduled for Thursday, May 7 at 8:00 AM.
Below is a brief summary of the main topics that are "fair game" for the exam.
This exam will be 'open book' - In other words, you will be permitted to bring
any resources to the exam that you want. This means that the exam will focus
largely on testing your understanding of plant physiological processes, rather
than your memory. Thus, be sure to focus on understanding how things work.
This unit focused on the biology and chemistry of the main plant hormones
abscisic acid,
PPT's for all are available in Moodle
There are online notes for most (except brassinosteroids, see links above),
but these aren't as up to date as the PPTs
For each of the hormones, be able to describe/recognize/explain: (a)
general chemical structure; (b) inhibitors or synthetics; (c) methods used
to regulate internal amounts (i.e., oxidases, conjugates); (d)
general features of its biosynthesis and where it is made; (e) mode of
transport; (f) actions.
Some specific topics to know: mechanism of polar auxin transport; apical
dominance; crown gall and agrobacterium; hormones and callus
differentiation; senescence; anion trap hypothesis; ABA & vivipary;
climacteric; triple response; abscission; what is a bioassay?
quiz was distributed in class that can be used to test yourself
The main question that we want to answer in this unit is: How do plants
respond to light and gravity?
Check out my
on line notes
Understand the gravitropism and phototropism handouts given in class
Phytochrome & Photomorphogenesis
The main question that we want to answer in this unit is: How does plant
form respond to light?
Check out my
on line notes
Check out the PPT in Moodle
The main question that we want to answer in this unit is: How does plant
form respond to light?
Check out my
on line notes
Check out the PPT in Moodle
essay on spring wildflowers is posted in Moodle.
The main question for this unit is: What adaptations do spring wildflowers
employ to survive?
Comprehensive Section
There will be a comprehensive component to the exam. This part of the exam is
designed to "tie" together various aspects of the course and focus on major
themes. Questions on the comprehensive portion of the exam may be selected from
among the following:
Consider an hydrogen atom that is part of a water molecule in the soil.
Describe the pathway that the atom would take from the soil to becoming part
of starch in the root system of a bean plant. Be sure to include a
discussion of the major processes that the molecule would be involved in.
A detailed diagram or concept map is acceptable, as long as it is accurately
and detailed labeled. Be reasonably detailed about the cells and structures
through which it would pass.
Describe the importance of importance of proton pumps in plants. Answer
such questions as: What are they? What do they do? Where are they found?
How do they work? In what processes are they involved?
Describe the importance of the enzyme PEPcarboxylase (reactions catalyzed,
function, places it acts)
Aristotle (ca. 335) said: �The�the roots of plants are similar to the
mouths of animals, both serving for the absorption of food.� Analyze this
statement. Explain why Aristotle's idea could sound sensible to people
today and how it disagrees with our modern view of plant physiology.
We�ve learned that some varieties of lettuce (e.g., Lactuca sativa
var. Grand Rapids) germinate poorly, if at all, in the dark. These
light-requiring seeds use phytochrome as the photoreceptor for this
response. The data supplied in Table 1 were collected to understand the
transducing mechanism involved in this response. Using these data, develop
a model to explain the action and interaction of each of the hormones on
lettuce seed germination. Explain how the hormones are related to exposure
(light vs. dark) and phytochrome. Be specific and include details.
Table 1: Effect of plant hormones, alone and in various
combinations, on lettuce seed germination in the dark |
[GA] mM |
% Germination |
Control (no addition) |
+ kinetin |
+ ABA |
+ ABA + kinetin |
0 |
10 |
15 |
0 |
0 |
0.05 |
21 |
27 |
0 |
17 |
0.5 |
66 |
69 |
0 |
57 |
5 |
95 |
97 |
0 |
73 |
The following is a listing of some of the important terms/concepts that we
covered during the year. You may be asked to define and/or give examples of
a sampling.
acid growth hypothesis
action spectrum
apical dominance
apical hook
apical meristem
boundary layer
bulk flow
calcium bridges
casparian strip
cohesion-tension theory
field capacity
hydrogen bond
latent heat of fusion
P protein
Last updated:
05/04/2009 � Copyright by SG