Quantum Tutorials
- Selected
- An Approach to Quantum
- Atomic and Molecular
Stability (10/18)
- Quantum Computation: A
Short Course (rev. 8/19)
- Quantum Computing for
the Interested Non-specialist (8/19)
- Quantum Mechanics and
the Fourier Transform (10/10)
- The Pauli Matrices in
Quantum Mechanics (5/19)
- Quantum Computation with
the Quirk Simulator (rev. 7/19)
- Origin of
Schrödinger's Equation
- Basic Quantum Mechanics
in Coordinate, Momentum and Phase Space (1/09)
- The Repackaging of
Quantum Weirdness
- Quantum Principles
Illuminated with Polarized Light
- The Relation Between the
Coordinate and Momentum Representations
- A Very Brief
Demonstration of the Relation Between the Coordinate and Momentum
- Getting Accustomed to
the Superposition Principle
- The Dirac Delta Function
- Elements of Dirac
Bracket Notation(pdf)
- Illuminating Quantum
Mechanical Calculations with Dirac Notation(pdf)
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- The Creation and
Annihilation Operators (revised 5/12)
- Single Slit Diffraction
and the Fourier Transform (6/09)
- From Coordinate Space to
Momentum Space and Back(6/09)
- The Commutation Relation
in Position and Momentum Space (6/08)
- Simulating the
Aharonov-Bohm Effect (9/09)
- Basic Matrix Mechanics
- Rudimentary Matrix
Mechanics (rev. 12/15)
- Matrix Mechanics Using
Mathcad (revised 1/12)
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- Aspects of Dirac's
Relativistic Matrix Mechanics (8/14)
- The Spatial Double-Slit
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The Spatial Double-Slit
Experiment - Short Version
- The Double-Slit
Experiment with Polarized Light (10/07)
- The Consequences of Path
Information in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (2/17)
- Another look at the
Consequences of Path Information in a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (5/18)
- The Double-Slit
Experiment with Polarized Light - Mathcad Version (12/07)
- The Quantum Eraser (rev.
- Which Way Did It Go?
Another Look at the Quantum Eraser (Revised 12/12)
Play Animation for Rotating
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- Which Path Information
and the Quantum Eraser (9/16)
- Which Path Information
and the Quantum Eraser - Brief Version (3/17)
- Triple Slit Diffraction
with an Eraser (5/18)
- Which-way Markers and
Pre-selection in the Double-slit Experiment (4/16)
Play Animation for Rotating
- A Stern-Gerlach Quantumn Eraser (rev. 3/17)
- Impact of Which-way
Information in the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (7/10)
- Quantum Theory,
Wave-Particle Duality and the Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (6/18)
- The Temporal Double-Slit
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The Temporal Double-Slit
Experiment - Terse Version
The Temporal Double-Slit
Experiment - Short Version
- Comparison of the
Spatial and Temporal Double-Slit Experiments
- An Analysis of
Three-Path Interference (rev. 5/16)
- Illustrating Feynman's
Sum Over Histories Approach to Quantum Mechanics (revised 9/14)
- The Paradox of
Recombined Beams (9/14)
- Evidence for Quantized
Gravitational States of the Neutron
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- Quantized Gravitational
States: A Variational Approach
Download Mathcad File I
Download Mathcad File II
- The Quantum Bouncer
Doesn't Bounce, Unless... (2/08)
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- The Importance of
Kinetic Energy in the Nanoscale World
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- Expectation Values and
the Variational Principle
- The Wigner Function
Illuminated with Dirac Notation (rev. 10/10)
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- The Wigner Distribution
for the Single Slit Experiment (3/13)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the Double Slit Experiment (rev. 9/12)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the Triple Slit Experiment (9/12)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the Quadruple Slit Experiment (5/16)
- Quantum Mechanical
Tunneling in Coordinate, Momentum and Phase Space (5/10)
- Another Look at the Wigner
Function (1/10)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the Harmonic Oscillator (8/15)
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- The Wigner Distribution
for the Particle in a Box (rev 12/08)
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- The Wigner Distribution
for the Particle in a Box - Another Look (3/17)
- The Wigner Distribution Distinquishes Between a Superposition and a Mixture
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- The Time-dependent
Wigner Distribution for Harmonic Oscillator Transitions (revised 1/11)
View animation for allowed v
= 0 to v = 1 transition
View animation for forbidden
v = 0 to v = 2 transition
- The Momentum Operator in
Coordinate Space
- Momentum Wavefunctions
for the Particle in a Box (rev. 6/13)
- A Graphical Illustration
of the Uncertainty Principle (revised 10/10)
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- The Quantum Oscillator
- The Harmonic Oscillator
and the Uncertainty Principle (revised 5/10)
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- Another View of the
Harmonic Oscillator and the Uncertainty Principle (Rev. 9/14)
- The Hydrogen Atom and
Helium Ion Spatial and Momentum Distribution Functions Illustrate the
Uncertainty Principle (1/08)
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- The Position-Momentum
Uncertainty Relation in the Hydrogen Atom (1/08)
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- The Angular
Momentum/Angular Position Uncertainty Relation
- A Brief Tutorial on Wavepackets
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Download Animated Mathcad
Play Animation
- The Difference Between
Fermions and Bosons
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- Quantum Corrals:
Electrons in a Ring (1/09)
- Planck's Radiation
Equation Fit to Experimental Data
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- Planck's Radiation
Equation Fit to Experimental Data - Another Algorithm (9/10)
- Einstein's Heat Capacity
Equation Fit to Experimental Data
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- Einstein's Heat Capacity
Equation Fit to Experimental Data - Another Algorithm (9/10)
- Debye's Heat Capacity
Equation Fit to Experimental Data
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- Debye's Heat Capacity
Equation Fit to Experimental Data - Another Algorithm (9/10)
- Wave-particle Duality
and the Uncertainty Principle (revised 5/13)
- Wave-particle Duality
for Matter and Light (7/08)
- What Part of the Quantum
Theory Don't You Understand? (Power Point Presentation 3/07)
- Quantum Potpourri (Power
Point Presentation, revised 6/09)
- Quantum Dynamics: One
Step at a Time (7/08)
- Quantum Mechanical
Pressure (12/08)
- Visualizing the
Difference Between a Superposition and a Mixture (7/09)
- Analysis of the
Stern-Gerlach Experiment Using Matrix Mechanics (8/09)
- Related Analysis of the
Stern-Gerlach Experiment (12/10)
- Bill the Cat and the
Superposition Principle (12/09)
- Schroedinger's Dog (10/17)
- The Bloch Sphere (7/10)
- The Bloch Sphere and the
Pauli Matrices (11/19)
- Density Matrix, Bloch
Vector and Entropy (rev. 1/14)
- State
Vectors and State Operators: Superpositions, Mixed States and Entanglement
(rev. 8/14)
- The
Gram-Schmidt Proceedure (3/14)
Return to top of page.
- The de
Broglie-Bohr Model for the Hydrogen Atom (rev. 6/09)
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- The de Broglie-Bohr
Model for the Hydrogen Atom - Version 2 (rev. 6/09)
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- The de Broglie-Bohr
Model for the Hydrogen Atom - Version 3 (rev. 6/09)
- The de Broglie-Bohr
Model for the Hydrogen Atom - Version 4 (rev. 11/18)
- The de Broglie-Bohr
Model for a Hydrogen Atom Held Together by a Gravitational Interaction
- The de Broglie-Bohr
Model for Positronium (10/13)
- The Bohr Model for the
Earth-Sun System (9/12)
Slightly different version
- Extracting Atomic &
Molecular Parameters From the deBroglie-Bohr
Model of the Atom (revised 11/17)
- Electronic Structure and
the Superposition Principle (9/11)
- Atomic Spectroscopy and
the Correspondence Principle (9/10)
- Hydrogen-Like
Calculations with Variable Lepton Mass (6/16)
- Quantum Mechanical
Calculations for the One-Dimensional Hydrogen Atom (rev 6/08)
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- Quantum Mechanical
Calculations for the Hydrogen Atom
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- Atomic Stability
- Atomic Stability -
Mathcad Version
- Critique of the
Centrifugal Effect in the Hydrogen Atom (rev. 5/16)
- A Shorter Critique of
the Centrifugal Effect in the Hydrogen Atom (5/16)
- Exploring the Role of
Lepton Mass in the Hydrogen Atom (revised 7/14)
- The Effect of Lepton
Mass on the Energy and Bond Length of the Hydrogen Molecule Ion (3/113)
- The Hydrogen Atom with
Finite Sized Nucleus (8/10)
- The Hyperfine
Interaction in the Hydrogen Atom (rev. 11/12)
- A Brief Treatment of the
Hyperfine Interaction in the Hydrogen Atom (7/19)
- Positronium Annihilation
(rev. 1/16)
- Positronium
Annihilation: Another View (8/16)
- Positronium
Annihilation: Yet Another View (5/19)
- The Hyperfine
Interaction in the Deutrium Atom (rev. 7/14)
- A Tensor Algebra
Approach to Spin-Orbit Coupling (9/12)
- A Bohr Model for
Multi-electron Atoms and Ions
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- Atomic Variational
Calculations: Hydrogen to Boron
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- Some Calculations on the
Lithium Atom Ground State
- E. B. Wilson's
Calculation on the Lithium Atom Ground State (3/09)
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- The Importance of the
Pauli Principle (3/10)
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- Splitting the 2s-2p
Degeneracy in the Lithium Atom (1/08)
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- Addition of Spin Angular
Momentum: A Tensor Algebra Approach (12/12)
- Hund's Rule
Singlet-Triplet Calculations
with Mathcad
- Electron Correlation in
Two-electron Systems (3/09)
First Trial Wavefunction
Second Trial Wavefunction
Third Trial Wavefunction
Fourth Trial Wavefunction
Fifth Trial Wavefunction and
- The Crucial Role of
Kinetic Energy in Interpreting Ionization Energies
- Quantum Dots Are
Artificial Atoms
- Calculating the Atomic
Radius of Polonium (8/08)
- Calculating the Atomic
Radius of Gold (9/12)
- How Many Bibles Can Fit
on the Head of a Pin (5/08)
- Momentum Wavefunctions
and Distributions for the Hydrogen Atom (revised 2/08)
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- The SCF Method for Two
Electrons (revised 03/08)
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- Outline of the SCF
Method for Two Electrons (09/12)
- The SCF Method for Two
Electrons Using A Gaussian Wave Function (03/08)
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- An Interactive SCF
Calculation for the Helium Atom (2/08)
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- Quantum Calculations on
the Hydrogen Atom in Coordinate, Momentum and Phase Space (3/16)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the 1s State of the 1D Hydrogen Atom (5/16)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the 2s State of the 1D Hydrogen Atom (6/12)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the 2p State of the 1D Hydrogen Atom (5/16)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the 3s State of the 1D Hydrogen Atom (6/12)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the 3p State of the 1D Hydrogen Atom (5/16)
- The Wigner Distribution
for the 4s State of the 1D Hydrogen Atom (9/12)
- One-dimensional H-atom
with Delta Function Potential (12/12)
- The Atomic Structure
Factor in Coordinate and Momentum Space (6/13)
Return to top of page.
- The
Covalent Bond and Quantum Mechanics (7/08)
- The Covalent Bond in the
Hydrogen Molecule
- The Covalent Bond
Clarified Through the Use of the Virial Theorem
- Brief Version of The
Covalent Bond Clarified Through the Use of the Virial Theorem
- The H2
Covalent Bond and the Virial Theorem
- The Covalent Bond
According to Slater and Ruedenberg
- Slater's Analysis of the
Covalent Bond using the Virial Theorem(rev. 4/17)
- Two Analyses of the
Covalent Bond using the Virial Theorem(12/17)
- A Simple Charge Cloud
Model for Molecular Hydrogen: Or, Is It a DFT
Model? (5/09)
- Three Mechanisms for
Bond Formation in the Hydrogen Molecule Ion (rev. 2/12)
- A Mechanistic Approach
to Bond Formation in the Hydrogen Molecule Ion (rev 3/11)
- A Lite Version of Ruedenberg's Analysis of the Covalent Bond in Hydrogen
Molecule Ion (rev. 3/10)
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Graphic Display of Hydrogen
Molecule Ion Orbitals
- Molecular Orbital
Analysis for the Hydrogen Molecule Ion Bond (3/13)
- A One-dimensional Model
for the Covalent Bond in Hydrogen Molecule Ion (5/08)
- Localized and
Delocalized Molecular Orbitals
- Two Perspectives on the
Bonding in Water
- Covalent Bonding in
Ammonia from Several Perspectives
- A Molecular Orbital
Approach to Bonding in Methane (10/09)
- A Simple Calculation of
the Lattice Energy of LiH (rev 12/10)
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- An Even Simpler LiH
Lattice Energy Calculation (3/09)
- Charge Cloud Models for
Some Simple Atomic, Molecular and Solid Systems (rev. 8/17)
- A Critique of the
Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Model (Rev. 4/2/07)
See mathematical details of
the calculation
- A Simple Electrostatic
Critique of VSEPR (7/09)
- Another Critique of
VSEPR (7/17)
- Why Nonbonding Electrons
Occupy the Equatorial Position in Trigonal Bipyramidal Geometry (11/07)
- A Modified Tangent
Spheres Model Analysis of Trigonal Bipyramidal Geometry (11/07)
- A Symbolic Huckel MO Calculation Using Mathcad
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- A Numeric Huckel MO Calculation Using Mathcad
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- A Numerical Huckel MO Calculation on C60
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Download C60BMP
- Chemical Bonding and
Electronic Structure of Buckminsterfullerene (7/08)
- Quantum Mechanics, Group
Theory and C60 (7/08)
- A Numerical Huckel Calculation on Anthracene and Phenanthrene
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- A Numerical Huckel Calculation on C10H8
Isomers (6/08)
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- Semi-empirical Molecular
Orbital Calculation on HF(6/07)
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- Semi-empirical Molecular
Orbital Calculation on XeF2(6/07)
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- Posch-Teller Potential
Model for Metals (9/12)
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- Rudiments
of Atomic Spectroscopy Using Mathcad (rev. 1/08)
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- A Particle-in-a-Box
Model for Color Centers (rev. 4/08)
- Cyanine Dyes as
Two-State Electronic Systems (11/08)
- The Ammonia Inversion
and the Maser (Revised 10/08)
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Play Animation for Ammonia
- A Symmetric Double Well
Potential Illustrating Tunneling (2/13)
Play Animation
- Analyses of the Pure
Rotational Spectrum of HCl (8/10)
- A Rudimentary Analysis
of the Vibrational-Rotational HCl Spectrum (8/10)
- Visualizing the Formally
Forbidden Overtone Vibrational Transitions in HCl (2/10)
Play Animation for v = 0 to 1
allowed transition
Play Animation for the v = 0
to 2 forbidden transition
- The Quantum Jump
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Download Mathcad File for
Animation of PIB Transitions
Play Animation for n=1 to n=2
Play Animation for n=1 to n=3
- Another Look at the
Quantum Jump (Revised 3/08)
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- Quantum Beats (4/08)
- The 1s-2s Electronic
Transition in the 1D Hydrogen Atom (3/08)
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- The Quantum Jump in
Momentum Space (rev. 6/13)
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Download Mathcad File for
Animation of PIB Transitions in Momentum Space
- The Harmonic Oscillator
Quantum Jump
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Download Mathcad File for
Animation of SHO Transitions
- Coherent States of the
Harmonic Oscillator (8/12)
- Quantum Jumps for an
Electron on a Ring (1/09)
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- Analysis of the
Electronic Spectrum of Ti(H2O)3+
(rev 4/08)
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- Analysis of the
Vibrational and Electronic Spectrum of Benzene (6/07)
- NMR - Quantum Mechanics
of a Three Proton System
Download Mathcad File (High
Download Mathcad File (Low
- AB Proton NMR Using
Tensor Algebra (4/10)
- Calculating the AB
Proton NMR Using Tensor Algebra (11/10)
- AB Proton NMR Analysis
for 2,3-dibromothiophene (12/10)
- ABC Proton NMR Using
Tensor Algebra (11/10)
- AB2 Proton
NMR Using Tensor Algebra (2/13)
- AB3 Proton
NMR Using Tensor Algebra (2/13)
- HD-Like NMR Spectrum
Calculated Using Tensor Algebra (8/11)
- The Michelson
Interferometer and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
- A Sum Over Histories
Approach to Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (10/13)
- Modeling the
Pi-electrons of Benzene as Particles on a Ring (rev. 1/08)
- Modeling the
Pi-electrons of Benzene as Particles on a Ring - Version 2 (12/15)
- Calculating the
Pi-electron HOMO-LUMO Electronic Transition for Benzene (1/09)
- Modeling the
Pi-electrons of Benzene as Particles in a Ring (8/14)
- Modeling the
Pi-electrons of Corannulene as Particles in a Ring (8/14)
- The Vibrational and
Electronic States of C60 (4/08)
Return to top of page.
- Using
Optical Transforms to Teach Quantum Mechanics
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- Single-slit Diffraction
and the Uncertainty Principle
- Single-slit Diffraction
and the Uncertainty Principle (Mathcad Version)
- Simulating DNA's
Diffraction Pattern
- Simulating DNA's
Diffraction Pattern with a More Realistic Model
- Simulating DNA's
Diffraction Pattern - Short Version
- A Model Graphene
Diffraction Pattern (6/13)
- Is a Two-dimensional
Fibonacci Array a Quasilattice?
- Calculating Diffraction
- Modeling the C60
Diffraction Pattern
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- Diffraction Pattern for
Pentagonal Point Scatterers (5/13)
- Diffraction Pattern for
Pentagonal Finite Point Scatterers (5/13)
- Pentagram Diffraction
Pattern (5/13)
- Model Diffraction
Pattern for Napthalene (5/13)
- Calculating the Airy
Diffraction Pattern (revised 7/10)
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- Diffraction Pattern for
Two Concentric Rings (5/13)
- Density Operator
Approach to the Double-Slit Experiment (4-08)
- Another Look at the
Double-Slit Experiment
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- A Quantum Mechanical
Interpretation of Diffraction
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- Electron Diffraction at
Multiple Slits
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- Multiple Slit
Diffraction and the Fourier Transform (09/12)
- The Double-Slit
Experiment with C60 Molecules
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- Crystal Structure,
Rotational Symmetry and Quasicrystals
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- X-ray Crystallography
from a Quantum Mechanical Perspective
- X-ray Diffaction (rev. 6/13)
- Holography Involves
Single Photon Interference
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- Group
Theory Principles Applied to H2O (5/11)
- Dodecahedrane
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- Xenon Tetrafluoride
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- Diborane
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- Cubane
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- Buckminsterfulerene
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- BCl3
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- Ti(H2O)63+
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- CH4
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- P4
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- Tetrahedrane (9/09)
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- PH3 (9/09)
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- Cyclopropane (9/09)
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- An Extensive Set of
Group Theory Problems for Chemists (8/10)
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Quantum Optics
- Single-Photon Interference -
First version
- Single-Photon
Interference - Second version
- Single-Photon
Interference - Third version
- Single Photon
Interference - Fourth version (revised 7/14)
- Single Photon
Interference - Mathcad version
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- The Polarizing Beam
Splitter and the Superposition Principle (5/15)
- Mach-Zehnder
Polarization Interferometer Analyzed Using Tensor Algegra
(rev. 10/12)
- Illustrating the
Superposition Principle with Single Photon Interference
- Pure States, Mixtures
and the Density Operator
- Using the Trace Function
to Calculate Expectation Values (4/17)
- Polarized Light and the
Quantum Superposition (7/08)
- Polarized Light and
Quantum Mechanics
- The Three-Polarizer
Paradox (10/12)
- Matrix Mechanics
Approach to Polarized Light
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- Matrix Mechanics
Approach to Polarized Light - Version 2 (revised 3/11)
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- Matrix Mechanics
Exercises Using Polarized Light (1/11)
- Polarized Light and
Quantum Mechanics (PDF version)
- Neutron Interferometry
with Polarized Spin States (7/08)
- Interaction Free
Measurement: Seeing in the Dark (6/11)
- Quantum Seeing in the
Dark: A Matrix-Tensor Analysis (7/11)
- Two Analyses of the
Michelson Interferometer (6/11)
- A Quantum Circuit for a
Michelson Interferometer (1/13)
- The Ramsey Atomic
Interferometer (2/13)
- Optical Activity: A
Quantum Perspective (12/12)
Play Animation for Optical
- A Quantum Optical
Cheshire Cat (7/14)
- Two Photon Interference: The
Creation of an Entangled Superposition
- Two-particle
Interference for Bosons and Fermions (rev. 1/16)
- Analysis of a Two-photon
Interferometer (8/10)
- Two-photon
Interferometry (2/13)
- Another Two Photon
Interference Experiment
- Quantum Correlations
Illuminated with Tensor Algebra (11/10)
- Two Photon Entanglement
- A Tensor Algebra Analysis (rev. 2/11)
- Two Photon Interference
- Matrix Mechanics Approach (rev. 1/10)
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- Two-electron
Interference (7/07)
- Bosonic and Fermionic
Photon Behavior at Beam Splitters (rev. 9/14)
- Bosonic and Fermionic
Photon Behavior at Beam Splitters: A Tensor Algebra Analysis (11/10)
- Entangled Photons Can
Behave Like Fermions (2/13)
- Analyzing Two-photon
Interferometry Using Mathcad and Tensor Algebra (rev. 1/16)
- Analysis of a Two-photon
Quantum Eraser (8/12)
- Another Example of a
Two-photon Quantum Eraser (9/18)
- A Quantum Delayed-Choice
- A Quantum Delayed-Choice
- A
Single Page Summary of Quantum Teleportation (8/17)
- Quantum Teleportation: A
Brief Introduction (rev. 9/12)
- Quantum Teleportation at a Glance (rev. 9/12)
- Another Look at Quantum
Teleportation (rev. 6/13)
- Teleportation Using
Quantum Gates (revised 2/13)
- Another Example of
Teleportation Using Quantum Gates (revised 2/13)
- Yet Another Quantum
Teleportation Circuit (12/14)
- Quantum Teleportation:
Another Look (11/14)
- A Quantum Teleportation
Experiment for Undergraduates (7/16)
- A Simple Teleportation
Exercise (10/16)
- Teleportation as a
Quantum Computation (2/13)
- Quantum Teleportation:
Four Perspectives (9/16)
- Clare Johnston's
Teleportation Poster
- Teleportation of Two
Qubits (rev. 1/17)
- Bohm,
Bell and EPR(1/20)
- Greenaberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ)
Entanglement and Local Realism (7/08)
GHZ Math Appendix
- GHZ Entanglement: A
Tensor Algebra Analysis (revised 2/11)
- Simulation of a GHZ
Gedanken Experiment (1/18)
- Another Simulation of a
GHZ Gedanken Experiment (7/18)
- A Surgical Refutation of
the Local Realism Heresy (8/17))
- GHZ Four-Photon
Entanglement Analyzed Using Tensor Algebra (revised 4/11)
- Quantum v. Realism
- Elements of Reality:
Another GHZ Gedanken Experiment Analyzed
- Another View of Elements
of Reality
- Brief Elements of
Reality (7/18)
- A Brief Analysis of
Mermin's GHZ Thought Experiment (7/11)
- Lucien Hardy's Paradox
as Presented by N. David Mermin (2/11)
- Hardy's Paradox: An
Algebraic Analysis (5/18)
- Quantum Entanglement Leads
to Nonclassical Correlations (rev 1/16)
- Nonclassical
Correlations Revealed with Mermin's Pentagram (revised 9/17)
- Spooky Action at a
Distance: The EPR Experiment with Photons
- God Plays Dice: Quantum
Principles Illustrated (Power Point Presentation 2/06)
- David Bohm's EPR
Gedanken Experiment (12/12)
- An Extension of Bohm's
EPR Experiment (rev. 8/19)
- A Surgical Adjudication
of the Conflict Between Quantum Theory and Local Realism (6/16)
- A Thought Experiment
Reveals the Conflict Between Quantum Theory and Local Realism (8/18)
- Positronium Annihilation
(rev. 1/16)
- Mermin's Version of
Bohm's EPR Gedanken Experiment (8/14)
- A Concise Version of
Mermin's EPR Gedanken Experiment (4/15)
- Abother Look at Mermin's EPR
Gedanken Experiment (1/16)
- Mermin's Version of
Bohm's EPR Gedanken Experiment Using Tensor Algebra (revised 6/12)
- A GHZ Gedanken
Experiment Using Spatial Degrees of Freedom and Tensor Algebra (4/11)
- Another GHZ Example
Using Spin-1/2 Particles (4/11)
- Entanglement Reveals a
Conflict Between Local Realism and Quantum Theory (rev. 1/16)
- A Summary of Feynman's
"Simulating Physics with Computers" (rev. 6/16)
- Another Summary of
Feynman's "Simulating Physics with Computers" (1/17)
- Yet Another Assault on
Local Realism (5/11)
- Yet Another Assault on
Local Realism - A Matrix/Tensor Algebra Approach (8/11)
- Jim Baggott's Bell
Theorem Analysis(6/15)
- Another Bell Theorem Analysis(9/15)
- Another Bell Theorem
Analysis - Shorter Version(4/17)
- EPR Analysis for a
Composite Singlet Spin System (10/15)
- EPR Analysis for a
Composite Singlet Spin System - Short Version (4/17)
- Analysis of the
Stern-Gerlach Experiment (12/14)
- Hardy's Paradox (6/11)
- Bell State Exercises
(rev. 3/13)
- Expressing Bell and GHZ
States in Vector Format Using Mathcad (4/13)
- Quantum Circuit for the
Generation of GHZ States (5/16)
- A Brief Description of
Aspect's Experiment (8/12)
- The Kochen-Specker
Theorem Illustrated Using A Three-Qubit GHZ
System (12/12)
- A Brief Introduction to
Entanglement Swapping (4/18)
- An Entanglement Swapping
Protocol (revised 1/16)
- Quantum Correlations
Simplified (6/17)
- Simulating Quantum
Correlations with a Quantum Computer (1/18)
- Quantum Computer
Simulation of Photon Correlations (1/18)
- Quantum Correlations
Illustrated with Photons (6/17)
- Examining the Local
States of an Entangled Bipartate Superposition
- A
Brief Introduction to the Quantum Computer (5/15)
- A Very Simple Example of
Parallel Quantum Computation (rev. 7/13)
- A Simple Solution to
Deutsch's Problem (rev. 5/15)
- Evaluating a Function
Using a Quantum Circuit and a Demonstration of Parallel Computation (rev.
- A Simple Quantum Circuit
for Parallel Computation (2/17)
- An Illustration of the
Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm (rev. 5/15)
- Another Illustration of
the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm (12/14)
- Aspects of Simon's
Algorithm (2/15)
- Qubit Quantum Mechanics
- Implementation of
Deutsch's Algorithm Using Mathcad (revised 3/11)
- Using Quantum Gates to
Create Superpositions and Entangled States (2/11)
- A Simple Quantum
Computer (11/11)
- Solving Equations Using
a Quantum Circuit (rev. 10/16)
- Introduction to
Superdense Coding (rev. 1/15)
- A Brief Introduction to
Quantum Dense Coding (8/18)
- The Discrete or
Quantum Fourier Transform (6/13)
- Factoring
Using Shor's Quantum Algorithm (rev. 10/16)
- Shor's
Quantum Algorithm - A Summary (12/16)
- Simulating
the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm with a Double-Slit Apparatus (7/13)
- Simulating a
Quantum Computer with a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer(5/16)
- Quantum
Restrictions on Cloning (rev. 1/17)
- Quantum
Error Correction(1/15)
- Matrix
Mechanics Analysis of the BB84 Key Distribution (12/14)
- The
Quantum Math Behind Ekert's Key Distribution Scheme (3/17)
- A
Shorter Version of the Quantum Math Behind Ekert's Key Distribution Scheme
- Quantum
Key Distribution Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (5/15)
- Coding
and Decoding Venus(1/16)
- Grover's
Quantum Search Algorithm (7/15)
- Grover's
Search Algorithm: Implementation for Two Items (1/18)
- Grover's
Search Algorithm: Four-Card Monte (1/18)
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- Introduction
to Numerical Solutions of Schrödinger's Equation Using Mathcad
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- Particle in an Infinite
Potential Well
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- Particle in a
Gravitational Field
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- Particle in a
One-dimensional Egg Carton
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- Particle in a Finite
Potential Well (rev. 9/12)
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- Particle in a
Semi-infinite Potential Well
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- Particle in a Slanted
Potential Well
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- Numerical Solutions for
a Particle in a V-shaped Potential Well (9/12)
- Numerical Solutions for
the Harmonic Oscillator (rev. 9/12)
- Numerical Solutions for
a Double-Minimum Potential Well (10/12)
- Numerical Solutions for
the Quartic Oscillator (9/12)
- Numerical Solutions for
the Morse Oscillator (rev. 9/12)
- Numerical Solutions for
the Lennard-Jones Potential (10/12)
- Numerical Solutions for
the Double Morse Potential (9/12)
- Particle in a Box with
an Internal Barrier (rev 6/08)
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- Another Look at the
Particle in a Box with an Internal Barrier (6/08)
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- Particle in a Box with
Multiple Internal Barriers (6/08)
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- Particle in an Infinite
Spherical Potential Well
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- Numerical Solutions for
the Two-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
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- Numerical Solutions for
the Three-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator
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- Numerical Solutions for
the Hydrogen Atom Radial Equation
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- Numerical Solutions for
a Modified Harmonic Potential (7/10)
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- Trial
Wave Functions for Various Potentials
- Energy Minimization -
Four Methods Using Mathcad (6/16)
- The Variation Theorem in
Dirac Notation (3/09)
- A Rudimentary Model for
Alpha Particle Decay (9/10)
- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Finite Potential Well
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Symmetric 1D Potential Well
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- Variation Method for the
Rydberg Potential
- Variation Method for the
Quartic Oscillator
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- Momentum-Space Variation
Method for the Quartic Oscillator
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Gravitational Field
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Slanted 1D Box
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Semi-infinite Potential Well
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Box with an Internal Barrier
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a 1D Ice Cream Cone
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in an Ice Cream Cone
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- Variation Method for a
Particle in a Finite Spherical Potential Well
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- Variation Method for the
Harmonic Oscillator
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- Trigonometric Trial Wave
Function for the Harmonic Potential Well
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- Trigonometric Trial Wave
Function for the 3D Harmonic Potential Well
- Gaussian Trial Wave
Function for the Hydrogen Atom
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- Variation Calculation on
the 1D Hydrogen Atom Using a Trigonometric Trial Wave Function (3/09)
- Variation Calculation on
the 1D Hydrogen Atom Using a Gaussian Trial Wave Function (3/09)
- Variational Calculation
on the Two-dimensional Hydrogen Atom (3/08)
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- Variational Calculation
on Helium Using a Hydrogenic Wave Function (2/08)
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- Gaussian Trial Wave
Function for the Helium Atom (12/07)
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- Trigonometric Trial Wave
Function for the Helium Atom (12/07)
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- Trigonometric Trial Wave
Function for the Hydrogen Atom
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- Hydrogen Atom Calculation
Assuming the Eelctron is a Particle in A Sphere
of Radius R (12/07)
- Variational Calculations
on the Lithium Atom
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- The Variation Method in
Momentum Space
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- Momentum-Space Variation
Method for Particle in a Gravitational Field
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- Momentum-Space Variation
Method for the Abs(x) Potential (2/08)
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- Variational Method for
the Feshbach Potential (6/08)
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- Numerical Solution for
the Feshbach Potential (6/08)
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- First Order Degenerate
Perturbation Theory: The Stark Effect for the Hydrogen Atom (2/08)
- Variational Calculation
for the Polarizability of the Hydrogen Atom (5/08)
- Hybrid Variational
Calculation for the 1D Hydrogen Atom with Delta Function Potential (rev.
- Variation Method Using
the Wigner Function: Finite Potential Well (12/08)
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- Variation Method Using
the Wigner Function: V(x) = |x| (12/08)
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- Variation Method Using
the Wigner Function: The Harmonic Oscillator (12/08)
- Variation Method Using
the Wigner Function: The Quartic Oscillator (12/08)
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- Variation Method Using
the Wigner Function: The Feshbach Potential
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- The Art of Science (revised
January 2006)
- Mass-Energy Equivalence
- Commentary on
"Probing the Orbital Energy of an Electron in an Atom"
- The Use of Models in
Introductory Chemistry
- Reaction to Gillespie's
Six Great Ideas in Chemistry: Another Great Idea (revised 7/10)
- An Alternative
Derivation of Gas Pressure Using the Kinetic Theory
- Examining Fourier
Synthesis with Dirac Notation (revised 5/15)
- Finding Roots of Trancendental Equations
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- Calculation of the
Composition of a Weak Polyprotic Acid Using Mathcad
- Solving Linear Equations
Using Mathcad
- Let's Teach High School
Students Computer Algebra Methods (10/10)
- Thermodynamics and
- Simple Kinetic
Derivations of Thermodynamic Relations
- The Global Approach to
Thermodynamics: Try It, You'll Like It! (6/08)
- Global Thermodynamic
Analyses of Heat Engines (11/08)
- Using Charles' Law to
Determine Absolute Zero (12/08)
- The Origin of KE = 3/2
RT (12/08)
- Determining
the Temperature of the Cosmic Background Radiation
- Age of the Elements
- The Shroud of Turin
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