Reactivity in Chemistry

Mechanisms of Glycolysis


GL2.  Overview of Glycolysis

In the cell, carbohydrates are used as a source of energy.  The carbohydrates might have been recently ingested, or they might be released from long-term storage.  Carbohydrates can be stored in the form of glycogen, in animals, or starch, in plants.  Glycogen and starch are biomacromolecules.  They are composed of large collections of glucose molecules bonded together (or enchained) into one, much bigger molecule.  They have different structures: starch is composed of very long chains of glucose molecules, whereas glycogen is a highly branched structure, more like a coral or a tree.  Specific enzymes can be used to release glucose molecules, one by one, from these structures.

Glycolysis is a biochemical pathway in which glucose is consumed and ATP is produced.  ATP is like the spring that powers all of the windup toys of the cell.  To compress that spring, energy has to be expended, so glucose is sent through a series of reactions that eventually release some energy that can be used for this purpose.  Once the spring is charged, it can release its energy rapidly.


The consumption of glucose is associated with the catabolic process of respiration.  In respiration, glucose is combined with oxygen, the reactants are converted to carbon dioxide and water, and energy is released.  We could write that reaction as follows:

C6H12O6(s)  +  6 O2(g)    →    6 CO2g + 6 H2O(l) + energy

However, that reaction is really the sum total of three different processes.  In the first process, glycolysis, glucose is broken down partway, forming pyruvate.  Some energy is released by the process.  In the second process, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle or citric acid cycle, pyruvate is broken down further to release carbon dioxide.  Again, some energy is produced by this process.  Both of these pathways produce ATP.  Both of these pathways also produce NADH.  In the third process, oxidative phosphorylation, NADH is used to power an "electron transport chain", releasing additional energy that is harnessed in order to make more ATP.  The TCA cycle will be covered in a later chapter in this section of the book.  Oxidative phosphorylation is not discussed until the Reactivity III section of the book, which is concerned with single electron processes.

When looking at biochemical pathways, it is helpful to have a map of the process to get an overview of how all the steps fit together.  Glycolysis is sometimes presented in two parts, so two maps are shown below.  The first part, Phase One, actually consumes energy; this part is the initial investment needed for a later return. 

Figure GL2.1.  Phase One of glycolysis leads to the scission of a six-carbon sugar into two three-carbon sugars.


 The map of phase one of glycolysis starts with glucose and leads eventually to the formation of two G3P molecules.  Glucose is the initial input, and G3P is the final output; everything else along the way is just an intermediate that is consumed soon after it is made.  Along the way, additional inputs to the reaction are shown in red, and outputs are shown in blue.  Enzymes and other catalytic factors, which are not consumed by the reaction, are shown in green.