Structure in Chemistry


SC7. The polarimetry experiment

In measuring optical rotation, plane-polarized light travels down a long tube containing the sample.  If it is a liquid, the sample may be placed in the tube as a pure liquid (its is sometimes called a neat sample).  Usually, the sample is dissolved in a solvent and the resulting solution is placed in the tube.

There are important factors affecting the outcome of the experiment.

  • Optical rotation depends on the number of molecules encountered by the light during the experiment.

  • Two factors can be controlled in the experiment and must be accounted for when comparing an experimental result to a reported value.


FigureSC7.1.  The effect of concentration on optical rotation.

  • The more concentrated the sample (the more molecules per unit volume), the more molecules will be encountered.

  • Concentrated solutions and neat samples will have higher optical rotations than dilute solutions.

  • The value of the optical rotation must be corrected for concentration.

FigureSC7.2.  The effect of path length on optical rotation.

  • The longer the path of light through a solution of molecules, the more molecules will be encountered by the light, and the greater the optical rotation.
  • The value of the optical rotation must be corrected for the length of the cell used to hold the sample.

In summary:

[a] = a / (c x l)

  • a is the measured optical rotation.
  • c is the sample concentration in grams per deciliter (1 dL = 10 mL). 
  • That is, c = m / V (m = mass in g, V = volume in dL).
  • l is the cell length in decimeters (1 dm = 10 cm = 100 mm)
  • The square brackets mean the optical rotation has been corrected for these variables.

Problem SC7.1.  A pure sample of the naturally-occurring, chiral compound A (0.250 g) is dissolved in acetone (2.0 mL) and the solution is placed in a 0.5 dm cell.  Three polarimetry readings are recorded with the sample:  0.775o, 0.806o, 0.682o.

a) What is [a]?

b) What would be the [a] value of the opposite enantiomer?

Problem SC7.2.  A pure sample of the (+) enantiomer of compound B shows [a] = 32o.  What would be the observed a if  a solution of the sample was made by dissolving 0.150 g in 1.0 mL of dichloromethane and was then placed in a 0.5 dm cell?



This site was written by Chris P. Schaller, Ph.D., College of Saint Benedict / Saint John's University (retired) with contributions from other authors as noted.  It is freely available for educational use.

Creative Commons License Structure & Reactivity in Organic, Biological and Inorganic Chemistry by Chris Schaller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

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