Essays - by Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; Biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321; ssaupe@csbsju.edu; http://www.employees.csbsju.edu/ssaupe/ |
Checklist of Trees and Shrubs of St. John's University & the College of St. Benedict
Stephen G. Saupe
Biology Department
College of St. Benedict/St. John's University
Collegeville, MN 56321
The purpose of this study was to prepare a checklist of the woody plants growing on the campuses of St. John's University and the College of St. Benedict. The main goal of the project was to document the campus trees and shrubs to provide a baseline data set. In addition, we hope it is useful to anyone who is generally interested in our campus plants.
flora Ito interested baseline to monitor vegetation changes that We hope that this study will provide a guide for anyone interested in our campus flora.
This study was conducted by examining specimens in the CSB/SJU Bailey Herbarium (CSB). We recorded the name of the species, it's herbarium accession number and the campus on which the specimen was collected. In most cases it was obvious where the specimen was from. However, in several cases specimens were listed from "Collegeville." These were assumed to be collected on the St. John's campus.
There are several species that we knew to grow on campus (e.g., Acer ginnala, Betula nigra) but for which which we had no herbarium records. These species, which were positively identified in the field are identified as "PO" (personal observation). In addition, we learned about a number of cultivated species from Fr. Paul Schwietz, the late St. John's Arboretum director. These are listed in Table 1 as "Paul Schwietz - PO."
Although the primary focus of this list is on native and naturalized plants that grow without cultivation, several landscape species are included. No attempt was made to include all cultivated species growing on campus.
Nomenclature follows Gleason and Cronquist (1991) and Ownbey and Morley (1991).
We welcome additions or corrections to this list.
We recorded more than 150
(157) species of woody plants in approximately 34 different families (Table
1). The campus flora is particularly well-represented by the maple
(Aceraceae), birch (Betulaceae), honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae), oak (Fagaceae),
pine (Pinaceae), rose (Rosaceae), and willow (Salicaceae) families.
Thanks to Chris Vance for doing much of the initial research
on this project.
Table 1. Checklist of trees and shrubs of St. John's University and the College of St. Benedict | |||||
Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habit | Accession # | SJU / CSB |
Aceraceae | Acer ginnala Maxim. | Amur maple | tree | PO | SJU / CSB |
Maple Family | Acer negundo L. | Boxelder | tree | 18040, 18039 | SJU / CSB |
Acer nigrum Michx. (variety of A. saccharum?) | Black Maple | tree | 18075, 18072 | SJU / CSB | |
Acer platanoides L. | Norway Maple | tree | 18077 | SJU | |
Acer rubrum L. | Red Maple | tree | 18081 | SJU | |
Acer saccharinum L. | Silver Maple | tree | 25422 | SJU | |
Acer saccharum Marshall. | Sugar Maple | tree | 25468, 18096 | SJU / CSB | |
Anacardiaceae | Rhus glabra L. | Smooth Sumac | tree | 18182 | SJU |
Cashew Family | Rhus typhina L. | Staghorn Sumac | tree | 18193 | SJU |
Aquifoliaceae | Ilex verticillata L. (Gray) | Winterberry | shrub | 17657 | SJU |
Holly Family | Ilex glabra | Nordic Holly | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | SJU |
Berberidaceae | Berberis thunbergii DC. | Japanese Barberry | shrub | 9572, 9569 | SJU / CSB |
Barberry Family | Berberis vulgaris L. | Common or European Barberry | shrub | 9573 | SJU |
Betulaceae | Alnus incana (L.) Moench. | Speckled Alder | tree | 10373 | SJU |
Birch Family | Betula alleghaniensis Britton. | Yellow Birch | tree | 10393 | SJU |
Betula nigra L. | River Birch | tree | PO | SJU | |
Betula papyrifera Marshall. | Paper Birch | tree | 10398, 10400 | SJU, CSB | |
Betula pendula Roth. | European Weeping Birch | tree | 10410 | CSB | |
Betula populifolia Marshall. | Gray Birch | tree | 10411, 25584 | SJU, CSB | |
Betula glandulifera (Regel) Butler (=B. pumila L. | Swamp Birch | shrub | 10415 | SJU | |
Carpinus caroliniana Walter. | Blue Beech | tree | 10440 | SJU | |
Corylus americana Walter. | American Hazelnut | shrub | 10449 | SJU | |
Corylus cornuta Marshall. | Beaked Hazelnut | shrub | 10461 | SJU | |
Ostrya virginiana (Miller) K. Koch. | Ironwood | tree | 25585 | SJU | |
Bignoniaceae | Catalpa bignonioides Walter. | Southern Catalpa | tree | 21374 | CSB |
Trumpet-Creeper Family | Catalpa speciosa Warder | Northern Catalpa | tree | PO | SJU |
Buxaceae | |||||
Boxwood family | Buxus fruticosa | Boxwood | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | SJU |
Caesalpiniaceae (Fabaceae) | Cercis canadensis L. | Redbud | shrub | 25463 | SJU |
Caesalpinia Family | Gleditsia tricanthos L. | Honey Locust | tree | 16254 | CSB |
Gymnocladus dioica (L.) K. Koch. | Kentucky Coffee Tree | tree | PO | SJU | |
Caprifoliaceae | Diervilla lonicera Miller. | Bush-Honeysuckle | shrub | 4005 | SJU |
Honeysuckle Family | Lonicera x brownii | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | ||
Lonicera caerulea L. | Mtn fly honeysuckle | shrub | 21816 | SJU | |
Lonicera dioica L. | Wild Honeysuckle | shrub | 21822 | SJU | |
Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hook. | Swamp-fly Honeysuckle | shrub | 21831 | SJU | |
Lonicera tatarica L. | Tartarian Honeysuckle | shrub | 21839 | SJU | |
Lonicera xylostemum | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | SJU | ||
Sambucus pubens (Michx.) Koehne. | Red Elderberry | shrub | 21913 | SJU | |
Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. | Wolfberry | shrub | 21968 | CSB | |
Viburnum dentatum | Arrowwood | sm. tree | Paul Schwietz PO | ||
Viburnum dilatatum | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Viburnum lantana | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Viburnum lentago L. | Nannyberry | shrub | 22017 | SJU | |
Viburnum opulus L. | not available | shrub | 25579 | CSB | |
Viburnum pubescens | Southern Arrow-wood | shrub | 22033 | SJU | |
Viburnum trilobum Marsh. | Highbush cranberry | shrub | PO | SJU | |
Celastraceae | Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold. | Winged Burning Bush | shrub | PO | SJU |
Staff-Tree Family | Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq. | Wahoo | shrub | 17636 | SJU |
Euonymus europaeus | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Euonymus fortunei cv. Sunspot | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Cornaceae | Cornus paniculata | not available | shrub | 17498 | SJU |
Dogwood Family | Cornus rugosa Lam. | Round-leaved Dogwood | shrub | 17489 | SJU |
Cornus stolonifera L. | Red Osier-Dogwood | shrub | 17514 | SJU | |
Cornus alba | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Cornus alternifolia L. | Pagoda dogwood | tree | PO | SJU | |
Cupressaceae | Juniperus communis L. | Common Juniper | shrub | no specimen # | SJU |
Cypress Family | Juniperus chinensis | Paul Schwietz PO | |||
Juniperus horizontalis | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Juniperus procumbens | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Juniperus virginiana L. | Eastern Red Cedar | shrub | PO | SJU, CSB | |
Chamaecyparis pisifera | tree | Paul Schwietz PO | SJU | ||
Thuja occidentalis L. | Northern White Cedar | tree | 25586, no specimen # | SJU, CSB | |
Elaeagnaceae | Elaeagnus angustifolia L. | Russian Olive | tree | 17084 | SJU |
Oleaster Family | Shepherdia argentea Nutt. | Buffalo-Berry | shrub | 17106 | SJU |
Ericaceae | Andromeda glaucophylla Link. | Bog-Rosemary | shrub | 13976 | SJU |
Daphne x burkwoodii | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Heath Family | Ledum groenlandicum Oeder. | Labrador-Tea | shrub | 13974 | SJU |
Rhododendron | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton. | Lowbush Blueberry | shrub | 14050, 14052 | SJU, CSB | |
Fabaceae | Amorpha canescens Pursh. | Lead-Plant | shrub | 15851 | SJU |
Pea or Bean Family | Caragana aborescens Lam. | Siberian Pea Tree | shrub | 16086 | SJU |
Robinia hispida L. | Bristly Locust | shrub | 16782 | SJU | |
Robinia pseudoacacia L. | Black Locust | tree | 16786 | SJU | |
Fagaceae | Quercus alba L. | White Oak | tree | 10276, 10273 | SJU, CSB |
Beech Family | Quercus bicolor Willd. | Swamp-White Oak | tree | 10284 | SJU |
Quercus ellipsoidalis E.J. Hill. | Northern Pin-Oak | tree | 10299, 25071 | SJU, CSB | |
Quercus macrocarpa Michx. | Bur-Oak | tree | 10303 | SJU | |
Quercus palustris Muenchh. | Pin-Oak | tree | 25072 | SJU | |
Quercus rubra L. | Northern Red Oak | tree | 10322, 10324 | SJU, CSB | |
Quercus velutina Lam. | Black Oak | tree | 10326, 10327 | SJU, CSB | |
Ginkgoaceae | Ginkgo biloba L. | Maidenhair tree | tree | PO | SJU, CSB |
Ginkgo Family | |||||
Grossulariaceae | Ribes cynosbati L. | Dogberry | shrub | 14478, 14482 | SJU, CSB |
Gooseberry Family | Ribes grossularia Grauer. | Garden Gooseberry | shrub | 14502 | SJU |
Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poiret. | Swamp Currant | shrub | 14509 | SJU | |
Ribes nigrum L. | Black Currant | shrub | 14522 | SJU | |
Ribes odoratum H.H. Wendl. | Buffalo-Currant | shrub | 14523 | CSB | |
Ribes sativum Syme. | Garden Red Currant | shrub | 14537 | SJU | |
Ribes triste Pallas. | Swamp Red Currant | shrub | 14543 | SJU | |
Ribes alpina | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Hamamelidaceae | Hamamelis virginiana L. | Witch hazel | shrub | 10082 | SJU |
Witch-Hazel Family | |||||
Hippocastanaceae | Aesculus glabra L. | Ohio-Buckeye | tree | 18023, 18020 | SJU, CSB |
Horse-Chestnut Family | Aesculus hippocastanum | Horsechestnut | tree | PO | SJU, CSB |
Juglandaceae | Juglans cinerea L. | Butternut | tree | 25587 | SJU |
Walnut Family | Juglans nigra L. | Black Walnut | tree | PO | SJU |
Magnoliaceae | Magnolia stellata | Star Magnolia | shrub | PO | SJU |
Magnolia Family | |||||
Oleaceae | Fraxinus americana L. | White Ash | tree | 20716, 20724 | SJU ,CSB |
Olive Family | Fraxinus nigra Marshall. | Green Ash | tree | 20732, 25572 | SJU ,CSB |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall. | Black Ash | tree | 20729 | SJU | |
Forysthia cv. Meadowlark | Meadowlark Forsythia | shrub | Paul Schweitz PO | ||
Forysthia viridissum | Broxensis Dwarf forysthia | shrub | Paul Schweitz PO | ||
Syringa vulgaris L. | Common Lilac | shrub | 20767 | SJU | |
Syringa hyacinthiflora | Paul Schweitz PO | ||||
Syringa reticulata | Japenese tree lilac | tree | PO | SJU | |
Pinaceae | Abies balsamea (L.) Miller. | Balsam Fir | tree | no specimen #, PO | SJU |
Pine Family | Abies concolor | White Fir | tree | no specimen #, PO | SJU |
Abies fraserii | Frazier fir | Paul Schwietz PO | SJU | ||
Larix decidua | European larch | tree | Paul Schwietz PO | ||
Larix laricina (Duroi) K. Koch. | Tamarack | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Picea abies (L.) Karst. | Norway Spruce | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Picea glauca (Moench) Voss. | White Spruce | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Picea pungens | Colorado Blue Spruce | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Picea omorika nana | Dwarf Siberian spruce | Paul Schwietz PO | |||
Pinus banksiana Lambert. | Jack Pine | tree | 25577 | SJU | |
Pinus mugo | Mugho Pine | shrub | PO,25574 | SJU, CSB | |
Pinus nigra | Austrian Pine | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Pinus resinosa Aiton. | Red Pine | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Pinus sylvestris L. | Scotch Pine | tree | no specimen # | SJU | |
Pinus strobus L. | White Pine | tree | 25576 | SJU | |
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) | Douglas Fir | tree | no specimen # | SJU, CSB | |
Tsuga canadensis | Canadian hemlock | tree | PO;Paul Schwietz | SJU, CSB | |
Rhamnaceae | Rhamnus cathartica L. | Common Buckthorn | shrub | 25470, 17856 | SJU, CSB |
Buckthorn Family | |||||
Rosaceae | Amelanchier arborea (Michx.) Fern. | Downy Serviceberry | tree | 14851 | SJU |
Rose Family | Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medikus. | Eastern Serviceberry | tree | 14856, 26060 | SJU, CSB |
Amelanchier laevis Wieg. | Smooth Serviceberry | tree | 14865 | SJU | |
Amelanchier spicata (Lam.) K. Koch. | Dwarf Serviceberry | shrub | 14872 | SJU | |
Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Elliott. | Red Chokecherry | shrub | 14897 | SJU | |
Aronia melanocarpa elata | Glossy black chokeberry | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | ||
Cotoneaster opiculatus | Cranberry cotoneaster | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | ||
Crataegus chrysocarpa Ashe. | Fireberry-Hawthorn | tree | 14922 | CSB | |
Crataegus succulenta Schrader. | Fleshy Hawthorn | tree | personal collection | SJU | |
Physocarpus opulifolius (L.) Maxim. | Ninebark | shrub | 15300 | CSB | |
Potentilla fruticosa L. | Shrubby Five-Fingers | shrub | 15455, no specimen # | SJU, CSB | |
Prunus americana Marshall. | Wild Plum | tree | 15446 | CSB | |
Prunus besseyi (Bailey) Gleason. | Western Sand-Cherry | shrub | 15452 | SJU | |
Prunus cistena | Purple leaf sandcherry | shrub | Paul Schweitz PO | ||
Prunus nigra Aiton. | Canada-Plum | tree | 25655 | CSB | |
Prunus pensylvanica L. f. | Pin-Cherry | tree | 15472 | CSB | |
Prunus pumila L. | Sand-Cherry | shrub | 15456 | SJU | |
Prunus triloba | Double flowering plum | Paul Schwietz PO | |||
Prunus virginiana L. | Choke-Cherry | tree | 15491, 15498 | SJU, CSB | |
Pyrus communis L. | Pear | tree | 15563 | SJU | |
Pyrus malus L. | Apple | tree | 15565 | SJU | |
Rosa rugosa Thunb. | Japanese Rose | shrub | 15619 | CSB | |
Rubus allegheniensis T. C. Porter. | Common Blackberry | shrub | 25209 | CSB | |
Rubus occidentalis L. | Black Rasberry | shrub | 15680 | CSB | |
Rubus pubescens Raf. | Dwarf Rasberry | shrub | 15687 | CSB | |
Sorbaria sorbifolia (L.) A. Braun. | False spiraea | shrub | 15727 | CSB | |
Sorbus aucuparia L. | European Mountain-Ash | tree | 15729, 15728 | SJU, CSB | |
Spiraea alba Duroi. | Meadowsweet | shrub | 15760, 15759 | SJU, CSB | |
Spiraea albiflora | Japanese white spiraea | Paul Schwietz PO | |||
Spiraea x bunalda | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Spiraea cineria | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Spiraea cv. Gold mound | Paul Schwietz PO | ||||
Spiraea japonica L. f. | Japanese Spiraea | shrub | 15768 | CSB | |
Spiraea virginiana Britton. | Appalachian Spiraea | shrub | 15775 | CSB | |
Rutaceae | Phellodendron japonicum Maxim. | Cork Tree | tree | PO | SJU |
Rue Family | Zanthoxylum americanum Miller. | Common Prickly Ash | shrub | 18265, 18272 | SJU, CSB |
Salicaceae | Populus alba L. | White or Silver Poplar | tree | 12553 | SJU |
Willow Family | Populus balsamifera L. | Balsam Poplar | tree | 12557 | CSB |
Populus deltoides Marshall. | Cottonwood | tree | 12560 | SJU | |
Populus grandidentata Michx. | Big-Toothed Aspen | tree | 12565 | SJU | |
Populus nigra L. | Black Poplar | tree | 25420 | SJU | |
Populus tremuloides Michx. | Quaking Aspen | tree | 12578, 12575 | SJU, CSB | |
Salix babylonica L. | Weeping Willow | tree | 12625 | SJU | |
Salix discolor Muhl. | Pussy-Willow | shrub | 25654 | SJU | |
Salix exigua Nutt. | Sandbar-Willow | shrub | 12648 | SJU | |
Salix nigra Marshall. | Black Willow | tree | 12667 | SJU | |
Salix pedicellaris Pursh. | Bog-Willow | shrub | 25588 | SJU | |
Saxifragaceae | Hydrangea panicera | PeeGee hydrangea | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | |
Saxifrage family | |||||
Tamaricaceae | Tamarix ramosissima | Summer glow tamarisk | shrub | Paul Schwietz PO | |
Tamarisk family | |||||
Taxaceae | Taxus canadensis Marshall. | American Yew | shrub | 25578 | SJU |
Yew Family | Taxus cuspidata x media | Yew | Paul Schwietz PO | ||
Thymelaeaceae | Dirca palustris L. | Leatherwood | shrub | 17163 | SJU |
Mezereum Family | |||||
Tiliaceae | Tilia americana L. | Basswood, Amer. Linden | tree | 11745, 11746 | SJU, CSB |
Linden Family | Tilia heterophylla | Basswood | treee | PO | |
Ulmaceae | Celtis occidentalis L. | Northern Hackberry | tree | 10095 | CSB |
Elm Family | Ulmus americana L. | American Elm | tree | 10117, 10123 | SJU, CSB |
Ulmus pumila L. | Siberian Elm | tree | 10125 | SJU | |
Ulmus rubra Muhl. | Slippery or Red Elm | tree | 10130 | CSB |
Click here for a simplified tree checklist