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Plant Physiology (Biology 327) - Dr. Stephen G. Saupe; College of St. Benedict/ St. John's University; Biology Department; Collegeville, MN 56321; (320) 363 - 2782; (320) 363 - 3202, fax; ssaupe@csbsju.edu |
Gas Exchange/Transpiration
I. Definitions
II. Photosynthesis/Transpiration Paradox (or perhaps more accurately, a
"Compromise" or "Dilemma")
Recall the equation for photosynthesis
CO2 + H2O → (CH2O) n + O2
This equation suggests that:
III. Theoretical considerations
IV. Further complications
Not only is water loss a "necessary evil" of
photosynthesis, but to make matters worse, the tendency to loose water is greater than the
tendency of carbon dioxide to diffuse into the plant. As evidence, let's calculate the
transpiration ratio, which is a measure of the the amount of water loss relative
to the amount of carbon fixation.
transpiration ratio = mol water transpired / mol CO2 fixed
If carbon dioxide uptake (or fixation) and water loss are equal, this ratio should be one. In reality, experiments show that this ratio is closer to 200! Thus, for every 200 kg of water transpired, 1 kg of dry matter is fixed by a plant. Lets see why:
A. Diffusion and gradients
Recall that during diffusion molecules move from an area of
higher chemical potential (or concentration or chemical energy) to an area of lower
chemical potential (or concentration or free energy) and that the driving force for
diffusion is the gradient from one area to another. We can express this relationship
mathematically using Ficks Law: Jv = (c1 - c2)/r
where Jv = flux density,
(mol m-2s-1); c1 - c2 =
concentration gradient, and r = resistance (a function of distance, medium
viscosity, membrane permeability, etc.). We can simplify this equation to:
diffusion = gradient/resistance
Now lets compare the rates of diffusion for both water and carbon dioxide. Since resistance, or the distance that either carbon dioxide or water must diffuse into/out of the leaf is the same, then diffusion is directly proportional to the gradient.
Conclusion: based on gradient alone, the water has approximately 100x greater tendency to diffuse out of the leaf than carbon dioxide to diffuse into the leaf.
B. Diffusion and molecular weight.
Recall that diffusion is inversely related to
molecular weight. Simply put, the heavier the molecule the more slowly it will
diffuse. No big surprise. Or, to express this mathematically:
rate = 1 / sq rt MW
The relationship between the rate of diffusion
of two molecules can be summarized by the following relationship:
Rate A / Rate B = sq
rt B / sq rt A
Thus to calculate the ratio of water loss to
carbon dioxide uptake:
H20 loss/CO2
uptake = sq rt 44 / sq rt 18 = 1.56
Conclusion: Based on molecular weight alone, the tendency for water to diffuse out of the leaf is 1.56 times greater than the tendency for carbon dioxide to diffuse into the leaf.
V. The
photosynthesis/transpiration compromise revisited
Although it seems as though
water loss is a serious, intractable problem for a plant, it is NOT. The reason - plants
continually compromise between the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed and the amount of
water loss. This compromise is mediated by the stomata, whose function is to regulate gas
VI. Stomatal Structure
VII. The beauty of stomata
The evolution of a water-impermeable covering of the
absorptive surface that was peppered with oodles of pores was a great idea. The stomata
are ideal structures for regulating gas exchange because:
VIII. Mechanics of Guard Cell Action
Guard cells open because of the osmotic entry of
water into the GC. In turn, this increases the turgidity (water pressure) in the GC and
causes them to elongate. The radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils prevents
increase in girth. Since GC are attached at the ends and because the inner wall is
thicker, the guard cells belly out with the outer wall moving more pulling open the guard
cell. Guard cell closure essential involves reversing this process. We can summarize the mechanics
of GC action as follows:
stoma closed (GC flaccid)
water uptake
→ increase pressure
stoma open (GC turgid)
IX. Physiology of Guard Cell Action. Part I
Since water is the driving force for GC action, this means that there must be a
gradient in water potential between the GC and the surrounding cells (subsidiary cells).
Thus, to open a stoma, there must be a mechanism to generate a water potential gradient.
A. Hypotheses for how the water potential gradient is established include:
Thus, we can modify our schematic diagram:
stoma closed (GC flaccid) → add solute → lower Ψs → decrease Ψw → water uptake (osmosis) → increase pressure → stoma open (GC turgid)
B. What is the solute and where does it come from?
Where does the sucrose come from? (a) hydrolysis of starch in the GC chloroplasts. In
other words, an indirect product of photosynthesis (evidence: starch grains disappear
during opening); or (b) a direct product of carbon fixation (photosynthesis).
Table 1: Potassium in the stomatal aperture of Commelina communis | ||
Open |
Closed |
K+ (mol) in GC | 0.45 |
0.10 |
K+ (mol) in epidermal cells | 0.07 |
0.45 |
Thus, we can modify our original scheme:
stoma closed (GC flaccid) → sucrose/potassium/malate/chloride ions → lower Ψs → decrease Ψw → water uptake (osmosis) → increase pressure → stoma open (GC turgid)
To close the stoma, the reverse process occurs. However, time course studies indicate that potassium uptake is associated with opening of the stomata in the morning, but sucrose loss is more closely associated with closure in the afternoon. Thus, the final modification to our scheme:
stoma closed (GC flaccid) → potassium and chloride ion uptake, malate synthesis → lower Ψs → decrease Ψw → water uptake (osmosis) from subsidiary cells → pressure increases → stoma open (GC turgid) → ||||| → sucrose (potassium, chloride, malate) decreases → Ψs increases → Ψw increases → water loss → pressure decreases → stoma closed (GC flaccid)
X. Environmental Control of GC Action
Whatever physiological mechanism we finally postulate for the GC, it must also be
compatible with the action of various environmental factors that are known to regulate
stomatal activity. Since guard cells respond to their environment, especially any factors that impact the
photosynthesis/transpiration compromise. We expect any factor important in
photosynthesis to exert regulatory control on GC. And, we expect water to have the
"final word" on control since if a plant dries out too much it's
as good as dead!
A. Light - exerts strong control. In general: light = open; dark = closed (except CAM plants).
What kind of light is important?
So, what is photosynthesis doing? (a) provides sugars (sucrose and glucose) for osmotic
regulation; (b) provides ATP (via photophosphorylation) to power ion pumps (see below);
(c) reduces internal CO2 levels which stimulates opening (see below); and (d)
reduces the pH in the lumen of the thylakoid that stimulates the synthesis of the blue
light receptor pigment (see below).
What is blue light doing?
- Blue light activates a H+-ATPase in the membrane (recall the proton pump for cell elongation?). Evidence: (a) potassium accumulates in isolated GC protoplasts treated with blue light and causes them to swell; (b) blue light causes the acidification of the medium of GC protoplasts under saturating red light conditions; (c) fusicoccin, which stimulates proton pumping, also stimulates stomatal action; (d) vanadate (VO3-, blocks the proton pump) and CCCP (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, an ionophore that makes the membrane leaky to protons) both inhibit stomatal opening.
- Blue light stimulates starch breakdown and malate synthesis.
- Blue light stimulates cellular respiration (which among other things may be required to produce ATP for the proton pump).
What is the receptor for the blue light?
The action spectrum for the blue light response shows a "three finger pattern," which is characteristic of other blue light responses (i.e., phototropism). Absorption spectra of potential receptor pigments show a good match between zeaxanthin, a carotenoid pigment (C40) that occurs in the chloroplast thylakoid, and the action spectrum. Further zeaxanthin levels are directly correlated with stomatal aperture.
How does blue light cause stomatal closure?
Photosynthetically active radiation (red and blue light) cause an acidification of the chloroplast lumen. This activates the synthesis of zeaxanthin, which in turn, zeaxanthin activates a calcium-ATP pump in the chloroplast membrane that decreases calcium concentrations in the cytosol. This, in turn activates the proton pump in the cell membrane.
B. Low oxygen levels → GC open
C. Carbon dioxide - intracellular level is an important regulatory control.
D. pH effect
This effect seems mediated by:
1. Carbon dioxide Concentration.
Recall the interaction of carbon dioxide and water:CO2 + H2O → CO2 (aq) → H2CO3 (aq) → H+ + HCO3- →H+ + CO3-
low CO2 = hi pH = open
hi CO2 = lo pH = closed2. H+/ATPase proton pump.
The pump is required for stomatal opening (see above). Protons are transferred from the cytosol into the apoplast. As protons are removed from the cytosol, the pH increases.
E. Water - protects against excessive water loss.
This is the prevailing and overriding
control mechanism. There are two mechanisms by which water loss regulates stomatal
closure, one of which is active and the other passive.
The anti-transpirant is abscisic acid (ABA), one of the major plant growth regulators. It is active in very low concentration (10-6 M) and appears very rapidly after water stress (within 7 minutes). After 4-8 hours, the [ABA] increases nearly 50x. ABA comes from two sources: (a) root in response to water stress, the xylem sap pH increases which in turn stimulates the release of ABA into the xylem sap for transport to the leaves. This seems to be a root signal to the leaves that "water stress is coming"; and (b) leaves water stress stimulates a synthesis of new ABA and redistribution of existing ABA.
Mechanism of Action:
Treatment with ABA results in decrease of potassium, chloride and malate levels in the guard cells which in turn increase the water potential resulting in water efflux. Evidence suggests that there is an ABA receptor in the cell membrane. The receptor: (a) activates calcium channels in the membrane causing calcium uptake from the apoplast; (b) activates calcium channels in the tonoplast causing calcium release from the vacuole into the cytosol; (c) activates chloride (and malate) efflux channels; (d) inactivates potassium ion "in" channels; (e) inactivates the cell membrane proton pump; and (f) causes an increase in pH that activates potassium efflux channels. Thus, in short, ABA treatment causes an increase in cellular calcium levels which in turn results in decreases potassium and chloride levels and turns off the proton pump.
F. Temperature
Increased temperatures usually increase stomatal action, presumably to
open them for evaporative cooling. If the temperature becomes too high the stomata close
due to water stress and increased CO2 that results from respiration.
G. Wind
Often causes closure because it: (a) brings CO2 enriched air; and (b) increases the rate of transpiration that causes water stress which causes the stomata
to close. In some cases, wind causing stomatal opening to increase transpiration for
Physiology of Guard Cell Action - Part II
Now, let's pull everything we've learned together to
hypothesize a mechanism of action.
First, there are a couple of other observations that we also need to reconcile with
XII. Grand Model (see diagram; we will discuss in class)
XIII. Why does transpiration occur?
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