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Plant Physiology (Biology 327) - Dr. Stephen G. Saupe; College of St. Benedict/ St. John's University; Biology Department; Collegeville, MN 56321; (320) 363 - 2782; (320) 363 - 3202, fax; ssaupe@csbsju.edu |
Pre-Lab Preparation: Plant Water Status
I. Readings: Prior to the lab:
- Print and read the lab handouts. Bring these materials to class
II. Review:
- Review, if necessary, your understanding of the concept of water potential.
III. Pre-Lab Questions:
IV. Safety Concerns
1. Biological Materials: Harmless. Obviously, do not eat any lab materials.
2. Chemicals:
3. Safety Eyewear: Goggles are necessary when using methylene blue solutions.
4. Other:
5. Disposal: Compost plant materials in lab composter. Sucrose solutions can be discarded down the drain
6. Supply list: Click here
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Last updated:
01/07/2009 � Copyright by SG