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Concepts of Biology (BIOL116) - Dr. S.G. Saupe; Biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321; ssaupe@csbsju.edu; http://www.employees.csbsju.edu/ssaupe/ |
Plant Transport
I. Water Potential in Plants - A Review (click here for a
review of diffusion, osmosis and membranes)
The movement of water from one place to another in a plant
depends on its water potential (Yw),
which is essentially a measure of the energy state of water. Thus, water
always moves from higher Yw
to a lower Yw
. Pure water is defined as having a potential of zero. The units of
water potential are given in pressure units - megapascals (MPa).
Water potential is influenced by two important factors, solutes and pressure. Solutes, symbolized by (Yπ) always decrease the water potential while pressure (Yp) is usually positive. We can express the impact of these factors in the equation: Yw = Yπ + Yp.
Pressure is usually only a factor in plant tissues because plant cells have a wall. The wall allows the cell contents to develop positive pressures. Since animal cells lack a wall, pressure is not an important consideration and animal physiologists rarely consider pressure.
Now, consider an osmometer which is a device used to measure osmosis. In its simplest form it is constructed of a glass tube attached to a semi-permeable membrane. The system is filled with water and then immersed in a beaker with water. At equilibrium, the height of water in the tube will be at the level of the water in the beaker. At equilibrium, for every water molecule that diffuses osmotically into the membrane another diffuses out. Now, what will happen if we put some sucrose inside of the membrane sac? There will be a net movement of water from the beaker into the membrane sac. Water will move into the sac (from high to low energy, or from low to high solute concentration). As the water moves in, what happens to the column of water? � right, it moves up the tube. As it does, the water pressure inside the cell increases. Water stops moving in when the pressure inside the cell balances out the tendency for the water to move into the cell. Let's try to demonstrate this:
Beaker | Inside membrane sac | Water movement from beaker to Sac | Height of water column | |
Initially, let's fill the beaker and membrane sac with water. The water potential inside the sac and in the beaker are the same so there is no net movement of water molecules in either direction. There is no change in the height of the water in the tube. | Yw
= 0
Yπ = 0 P = 0 |
= 0
Yπ = 0 P = 0 |
water moves equally between beaker and membrane | no change |
Now, let's put sugar inside the membrane sac. The sugar lowers the osmotic potential (let's arbitrarily say Yπ = -0.5MPa.). This lowers the water potential so water moves into the sac from the beaker and the column of water begins to move up the tube. | Yw
= 0
Yπ = 0 P = 0 |
= -0.5 MPa
Yπ = -0.5 MPa P = 0 |
water begins to move into the membrane | moves upward |
As the water moves up the tube, the pressure in the system increases. The osmotic potential also increases because the sugar is being diluted. | Yw
= 0
Yπ = 0 P = 0 |
= -0.1 MPa
Yπ = -0.45 MPa P = 0.35 MPa |
water continues to move into the sac; the rate slows down as the water potential difference between sac and beaker become smaller | upward movement continues |
The water potential inside the sac eventually reaches zero when the pressure and osmotic potential increase. Note that the pressure changes more than osmotic potential. | Yw
= 0
Yπ = 0 P = 0 |
= 0
Yπ = -0.4 MPa P = 0.4 MPa |
no net movement of water | column stops moving |
Spuds McSaupe � Potatoes and osmosis - Now, let's meet "Spuds" and study his experiment.
As a review: Consider three beakers, one filled with water, a second with a dilute sugar solution and the third with a concentrated sugar solution. Place a potato core in each of the beakers and allow them to incubate for awhile. In the beaker filled with water we will observe that the potato core swells up and becomes more turgid. The pressure has increased inside the cells because water has moved from the solution (higher Yw ) into the potato (lower Yw ). The pressure on the membrane is called tonicity. Thus the potato has greater tonicity (or is hypertonic) than the water in the solution. Conversely, we can envision that the tonicity of the solution is less or hypotonic.
Now consider the core in the concentrated solution. Water will move out of the potato (which now has a higher Yw ) and into the solution (lower Yw ). As water leaves, the core shrivels and becomes limp. The membrane pressure decreases (it is hypotonic relative to the solution in the beaker). In the dilute sugar solution that has the same water potential as the potato core, there will be no change in the core � it will neither gain no loose water. It is said to be isotonic.
II. Water Uptake � from soil to the root
III. Water Transport: From roots to leaves
1. Root Pressure. Is water moved to the tops of trees by a "push from the bottom" pump? � NO.
This type of pump would be root pressure. Recall that root pressures only generate 0.2-0.3 MPa. Since it requires at least 3 MPa to move water to the top of a tall tree (you'll have to take my word for this), root pressure doesn't have nearly enough power!
2. Capillary Action. Is water moved to the tops of trees by "capillary action" � NO.
Capillary action is the movement of water up a thin tube due to the cohesive and adhesive properties of water. Essentially the meniscus "pulls" the water up the tube. Without worrying about the derivation of the equation, the height to which a column of water can move is inversely related to the radius of the pipe and is mathematically expressed as: h = 14.87/r (where r = radius in μm; and h = height in meters). Let's look at some actual data:
Table 1: Capillary Heights of Water Movement | |
Tube Radius (μm) | Column Height (m) |
10 | 1.4877 |
40 (tracheid) | 0.37 |
100 (vessel) | 0.148 |
Vessels and tracheids are too wide to support movement very high. Obviously capillarity cannot be responsible for water movement to the top of a redwood tree.
3. Cohesion-Tension Theory. Is water pulled to the top of a tree from above? YES!
According to this hypothesis, water is drawn up and out of the plant by the force of transpiration. Because of the cohesive/adhesive properties of water, as one water molecule evaporates at the opening it pulls the other molecules and sends this pull all the way down the column. This is similar to jumpers parachuting from a plane while holding hands. If this model is correct then, it must adhere to the following:
- The system must have little resistance
. The vessels and tracheids are hollow at maturity. Imagine how difficult it would be to move water through a clogged pipe.
- The columns of water must be continuous from the leaves to the soil
. If not, it would be analogous to having a chain with a single broken link � it would be impossible to pull anything below the break. The tracheids and vessels form a continuous column from roots to leaves. If there are gaps in individual cells, the water is routed around the gap. By the way, this is one reason why you don't want to go outside and beat on the trunk of a tree on a hot sunny day...it could cause enough of the columns to break that the plant will have a difficult time transporting water.
- There must be sufficient pulling force
. Even though ca. 3 MPa are required to move water to the top of a tall tree, the water potential gradient from soil to air is considerably steeper (on the order of -100 MPa.)
- The tensile strength of water must be able to withstand the pull
. In other words, the columns of water must not snap as they are being pulled. This was demonstrated by an elegant experiment in which water was centrifuged in Z-shaped tubes. Water has a very high tensile strength, equivalent to a similar-sized column of steel, which is more than sufficient to withstand the pulling forces.
- The xylem should be under a tension
. This can be demonstrated: (a) cut a stem and the water will snap up into the top and accumulate at the cut surface on the bottom; (b) dendrometer - this device is essentially a band wrapped around a tree hooked to a pressure transducer. As the tree transpires the diameter of the tree is measured. These experiments show that the diameter of the stem is smallest during the day when transpiration is occurring and largest at night. Imagine putting your finger on the end of a straw and then sucking on the other end. The straw will get thinner (collapse) as you apply tension to the air in the straw - just like a plant stem; and (c) film loop - water is sucked up into a tree trunk when punctured with a knife.
- Tracheids and vessels must be able to withstand tensions without imploding.
Hence the reason that they have thick cell walls with circular thickenings. It's no surprise that wood is hard.
IV. Translocation in Phloem.
A. Difficult to study.
Phloem is difficult to study in plants because: (1) the
transport cells/tissue in plants are small (microscopic) in comparison to the
transport structures in animals; (2) there is a very rapid response of the
phloem to wounding (contents under pressure); and (3) transport in plants is
intracellular (vs. extracellular in animals).
B. Phloem is the transport tissue for photosynthates (photoassimilates
= organic materials).
Radiotracer studies in which leaves are briefly exposed to 14C-labeled
carbon dioxide show that radioactive photosynthates are localized in the phloem.
C. Aphids provided the first big breakthrough.
Kennedy & Mittler (1953) noted that phloem feeding aphids
could be used to tap directly into phloem. Aphids stick their stylet into phloem
cells, but the phloem doesn�t seal itself in response. Aphids don�t suck!
The stylet is hollow like a syringe and the phloem contents are forced into the
aphid (thus the phloem is under pressure) and the excess is forced out the anus
(honeydew). Physiologists collect the honeydew and identify its composition.
Even better, after anaesthetizing the aphid with CO2 the body is
severed from the stylet leaving a miniature spile tapped directly into the
D. Phloem Content
Phloem is rich in: (1) carbohydrates that make up 16-25% of
sap. (2) nitrogen containing compounds like amines/amides (0.04-4%) such as
asparagine, glutamine, aspartic acid, citrulline, allantoin and allantoic acid.
These are transport forms of "nitrogen"; (3) ATP, hormones and an
assortment of other organic materials; and (4) inorganic substances including
magnesium and potassium.
E. Direction of Phloem Transport.
Girdling experiments (removing the bark of a woody plant)
showed the accumulation of material above the girdle and that carbohydrates were
not translocated below the girdle. Thus, plants transport substances in phloem
downward toward the roots. However, sophisticated girdling experiments, using
tracers like 32P, 13C and 14C demonstrate that
substances in the phloem are transported downward towards the roots or upwards
to the shoot meristem. Conclusion - phloem transports organic materials from
sites of production (called a source) to a site of need (called a sink). Thus,
the typical direction of transport is downward from the primary source (leaves)
to the major sink (roots), but can go either way.
F. Cell types.
G. Mechanism for phloem transport
- Sieve tubes should be continuous pipes...they are (anatomical studies).
- Sieve tubes should provide minimal resistance to flow. In other words they shouldn�t be clogged by p-protein. This is true in specimens that were rapidly prepared. This was a concern in early experiments until rapid fixation techniques because the phloem always appeared clogged up in TEM pictures. Further, this explains why sieve tube members have few "typical" cellular structures - they would "get in the way".
- The phloem should be under pressure, as the aphid experiments suggest. It is. In fact, mini pressure gauges can be attached to a severed aphid stylet and the pressure can be measured and it varies from 0.1-2.5 MPa. Further, there should be a pressure gradient from source to sink (driving force for movement). There is.
- There should be a gradient of osmotic potential (this is the component of water potential due to dissolved solutes) from source to sink. There is. The source region of the phloem has considerably lower osmotic potential than the sink regions.
- Sieve elements must have a membrane (for development of pressure gradients) - they do.
- There must be a mechanism to load solutes from the source into sieve cells. This process must be active since the solutes (usually sucrose) are being loaded against a concentration gradient. Evidence - respiratory inhibitors block the process. The loading mechanism should be: (a) selective - it should only load the materials that are transported. This is supported by radiotracer studies; abraded leaves have been shown to only load materials that are normally transported; (b) provide a mechanism to transport sucrose across the membrane - the sucrose/proton cotransport system. According to this model, protons are pumped out of the sieve cells into the apoplast by a membrane bound ATPase � the proton concentration increases in the apoplast � pH decreases � K+ is brought into the sieve cell to balance the charge � the proton gradient provides the driving force for transporting sucrose against a gradient � the sucrose and protons bind to a carrier protein in the membrane and are released in the sieve tube member.
- There must be a mechanism to unload solute at the sink. Sucrose is unloaded into the apoplast in some tissues (i.e., ovules) and into the symplast of others (growing/respiring tissues like young leaves, meristems).
- Metabolism must be required (for loading/unloading) and to maintain sucrose against a concentration gradient. This explains the response to respiratory inhibitors.
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Last updated: January 20, 2004 � Copyright by SG Saupe