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Plant Taxonomy (BIOL308) - Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; Biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, Collegeville, MN 56321; ssaupe@csbsju.edu; http://www.employees.csbsju.edu/ssaupe/ |
Quiz: Ferns & Allies
Definition Question: Briefly describe or define each of the following
Quickies: Write the appropriate response on the space next to the question.
______________________ Where are the gametes of a fern plant produced?
______________________ By what process are they produced?
______________________ Where does fertilization take place in ferns?
______________________ What is the product of fertilization in ferns?
Pictorial Identification Question: Answer each of the following/
diagram to be inserted
Is this a sporophyte or gametophyte? __________________
Is this plant haploid or diploid? _______________________
Identify the structure labeled #11. _____________________
Describe what occurs in #11.
More Pictorial Identifications:
Is this a sporophyte or gametophyte? _____________________________
Is this plant haploid or diploid? ___________________________________
Identify the structure labeled #15. ________________________________
Describe what occurs in this structure.
Is this a sporophyte or gametophyte? ________________________________________
What is the common name for this group of plants? ____________________________
Circle on the diagram the area where meiosis takes place.
Short Answer: Briefly answer the following using complete sentences that would rattle the test tubes of a chemistry major.
In what way(s) are the horsetails and spike mosses similar to ferns?
Where would you look in nature to find a fern gametophyte?
What does it mean that equisetum is a living fossil?
Further Study:
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